Saturday, July 27, 2013

Refreshing archival material

This blog had long been relegated to the category of missing and, perhaps, forgotten. After looking at the pictures, I decided I might be worth giving the whole thing a new look. With that in mind, here goes...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Eight in the morning as the vineyard wakes up. Naramata and Lake Okanagan below.

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Looking over Georg and Laura's Christmas tree farm, Naramata and Lake Okanagan wake up.

Taking a look down the driveway with Lake Okanagan below. Willy (the dog) should be coming up here with the newspaper soon.

Way up there, past the old chicken shack and the neighbor's vineyard, lies the Kettle Valley Railroad trail (part of the Trans Canada trail).

I wonder: is Peter awake yet?

Opa Big Al looks for the sports page...

Before breakfast Lilo and Opa read the paper that Willy (the dog) brought up from the roadside 150 meters from the house. "Thanks, Willy!"

Hanne's had her shower. Now she looks beautiful.

A leisurely breakfast in the shade before we take a trip south to Osoyoos.

Georg zu Lilo: "Den Brei musst Du probieren."

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Lieselotte: "Nein! Haferflocken ess ich nicht!" Zu spaet! Georg mixed the oats into his famous health concoction.

Okanagan Falls is all about antique dealers, second hand stores, and flea markets.

Lilo is ecstatic: "Finally a bikini that fits!" (Okanagan Falls flea market)

Lieselotte calls Opa Big Al over to do some serious bargaining at the Okanagan Falls flea market.

It must be a bargain at the flea market in OK Falls; Lilo appears happy to part with $10.

It somehow seems impossible to get through Okanagan Falls without a stop at Tickleberry's for ice cream.

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While we were visiting with Silke and Wilf at the motel, the wind really picked up on the lake. Wilf and Silke get back to work, and we dip our toes i

Albert and his girls on the beach at Sandy Beach Motel on Osoyoos Lake.

We leave Sandy Beach Motel. Silke graciously served us lunch on our short visit.

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Lilo admires cacti along the Sandy Beach Motel entrance. Only as I post this, do I realise that I have no pictures of Silke, Wilf, and John. Pity.

The viewpoint high above Osoyoos east of town.

Looking south into Oroville in Washington State (USA). Lilo wonders why there appears to be no physical evidence of a border.